Michelle Gilman

Michelle’s areas of interest and expertise include community weaving, food systems education, and program design all within the scope of food system transformation.

Her background includes nonprofit administration and operations in a range of programs including international development, urban agriculture, public education, and community nutrition. In 2016, after spending two years in Latin America, her experience leading bilingual community cooking classes and healthy shopping tours sparked a passion for food as medicine. She has since received a Master’s degree in Global Public Health Nutrition which led her to study community participation in school gardens in Northwest Nicaragua and collaborate with farmers, local communities and nonprofits working to regenerate the Central American Dry Corridor.

She’s driven to raise awareness about the role of diet in human, soil, and ecosystem health and through this, encourage and enable people to love their relationship with food. She’s truly in her element when leading food-based workshops in the kitchen, classroom, or garden. These skill sets and missions are what led her to develop the Food Fluency organization and educational program.

Please visit her website to learn more about the various initiatives she’s engaged in. Consider supporting the crowdfunding campaign and sign up to stay in the loop with fruitful efforts from ongoing We Are Carbon & Food Fluency collaborations.

Website (crowdfund campaign) www.foodfluency.org

Instagram: @Natures.Foodie

Sirius: www.siriuscommunity.org

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